Homes We’ve Sold

Here’s a short video showcasing some of the homes sold by Dave & Sara Skokan of RE/MAX Star Properties Continue reading

5 Things Friday

Thinking that we’re all the same?  Think again!  Here are 5 reasons why we blow away our competition:

1. We offer Equity Lock!  Don’t know about it?  Google it, because 80% of the agents in our area don’t even know what it is.  So…. are you now curious?  It’s buyer protection and a wonderful safety net in a market like ours.  What if you knew you could buy protection for your investment if you’re forced to sell during a down market?  Wouldn’t that help you make more confident bids as a buyer?  Equity Lock is a form of insurance the buyer pays for at the close of escrow that will cover the difference if they’re forced to sell and lose money due to market fluctuations.  This is also wonderful for sellers to know that the buyers bidding are less likely to have remorse and get cold feet.  Not only do we offer this, but our rate is the cheapest, too!

2. Analytics – There is a science behind all the seemingly random stuff we do.  Don’t get me wrong, most agents don’t study the patterns and work off their gut or copying others.  However, a core group of our agents have studied that pricing correctly, the day and time you hit the MLS, whether or not your photos are entered correctly to hit the MLS when they’re supposed to, good quality photography and staging, and proper marketing can make as much as a 30% difference in what a home sells for.  Are you leaving money on the table?

3. Seller Protection – up to $100k in Seller’s coverage actually.  Most brokers carry insurance to cover their agents but if a seller is sued for fraud, they’re on their own.  Our brokerage is one of the very few that offers seller indemnity protection because we know that we’re in the most litigious state and mistakes are made. We want our clients to be able to move on with their lives confidently, not worrying if they forgot to mention a 10 year old leak or even worse, a problem they weren’t even aware of.

4. – If you watch Million Dollar Listing in NY, then you probably know how brilliant it was when Ryan called brokers in China to sell a condo in Times Square for a seller who wanted top dollar.  Chinese investors are a large part of the buying market and as a seller, exposure to good buyers is going to determine your proceeds.  We are the only RE/MAX office in the area who’s listings are shared on the website in China due to a great relationship our broker has with theirs.

5. The power of teamwork!  Believe it or not, buying and selling homes can be super stressful.  Knowing there’s someone you can reach at all hours, someone who’s got all the answers can allow you to focus on what you need to.  We’ve got a powerful team, the two of us plus our entire RE/MAX network, reliable lenders, contractors and handymen, escrow coordinators, and more.  We’ve also got the connections in the industry to help bring buyers their perfect home and sellers their ideal buyer.

Thinking about buying or selling?  We’d be happy to help you!